the right way
You will get a lot out of this training if you are a brand new piano teacher, or whether you have been teaching piano for years.
This training will help you think about what you want your student to learn so that they become awesome musicians. You will have a detailed look at all of the aspects of the Sykes Piano Program which makes it the most comprehensive piano program in the world.
It will give you lots of ideas on how to get your parents well involved and set up a fantastic home environment for your students so that they achieve their best.
You will learn loads of excellent teaching practices and principles to make you a powerful and effective teacher.
You will learn a lot about lesson planning and formats so that you deliver great lessons.
This training is a prerequisite for all Sykes Piano Teacher Training Courses
You will learn a lot of great administration procedures so that you run a successful business. In the Administration part of this training, teachers look at the business and administration side of running a successful business. This training begins with setting up your studio, and yourself for teaching, it looks at recommended administration procedures, explains all of the Sykes Music administration forms and touches on marketing strategies.
5 assignments
5 assignments with recommended completion dates. Each assignment will be marked by your trainer and feedback given
Key Features
Downloadable manuals & forms
Introduction to Sykes Music and Teaching Piano Manual (103 pages), Sykes Piano Teacher Administration Manual (104 pages) and 35 customisable administration forms
90 day access
90 day access to the training material and a 63 day period for completing assignments. More details are given in the outline of this course upon enrolment. This outline is included in the free trial preview
5 assignments
What should I expect?
Students typically spend a total of 7 hours on this course. Teacher trainees have been able to complete this course in one day. However, we allow 90 days for you to self pace somewhat. The assignments are based on the teacher manuals, but, you will have to perform some research on the internet.
Previews of Sykes Music Practice Journal, Repertoire Book, Sykes Little Maestro Piano, Sykes Piano Levels 1-4 Practical, Sykes Piano Levels 1-4 Theory
Access to a community of like-minded piano teachers
Feedback and support from your trainer
A personalised report
Certificate of Completion
Meet your trainer

Julia Sykes is a very successful and in high demand piano teacher and piano teacher trainer. She began teaching piano when she was 14, has a degree in music education, has taught 100’s of students and trained many piano teachers. She has published multiple Sykes Piano books, Teacher Manuals, and created recordings and videos. Many of her students have been successful in exams, music competitions and become musicians that worked in the music industry, or have just developed a love of playing piano that stays with them throughout their lives. She has a knack of helping piano teachers reach their full potential, leading teachers in a way that helps them to create confident students and deliver excellent quality piano lessons. She provides teachers with a well stocked tool box full of ideas to use to help them teacher pieces and exercises and to help overcome their student’s difficulties. She is very supportive of teachers, provides invaluable feedback for them and helps teachers become well rounded musicians so that they can become well rounded teachers.
Course curriculum
The Introduction to Sykes Music & Teaching Piano course is set out in 7 parts. Chapters 2- 5 are based on the Introduction to Sykes Music Teacher's Manual, and the second last chapter focuses on the administration manual, providing resources and tips in running a business. You will receive directions at the beginning of each chapter, directing you what to do and what information must be covered in that section. See the chapter topics alongside:
Chapter 1. Starting Point
Chapter 2. Why Learn Piano? Why Teach Piano?; An Introduction to Sykes Music
Chapter 3. Parents and Home Environment
Chapter 4. Good Teaching Principles
Chapter 5. Lesson Format and Lesson Planning; Sykes Music and Other Methods
Chapter 6. Administration
Chapter 7. Getting Ready to Teach
How it works
1. Enrol & Pay - create a Sykes Music account (you will be prompted to sign up when you enrol in the course) and pay
2. Receive Access - you will be emailed (using the email used to create your Sykes Music account) an invitation which will take you to the course
3. Start Course - you will have 90 days access to complete this course. This period begins when you are emailed the link to the course

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- 179A$ÂValid for 3 months
- 64A$Every monthValid for 3 months