Teacher Membership
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0A$ÂFor teachers to learn more about Sykes MusicFree Plan- NO Sykes Piano training requirements
- Membership to Sykes Piano Teacher Community Support
- Access to Sykes Piano Teacher Newsletters
- Access to Sykes Piano Teacher Vlog Videos
299A$Every year*Requirement: Completed Introduction to Sykes MusicÂ- Everything from FREE Plan PLUS
- 1-hour Mentorship and Advice from Julia Sykes worth $99
- 15% discount on SM Materials (eg. 20 students save $240/yr)
- Membership to Sykes Piano Professional Development Vlog
- Access to Introduction to SM and Teaching Piano Manual
- Access to Sykes Music Administration Manual
- Access to Sykes Music Administration Forms
499A$Every yearRequirement: Necessary to have completed Sykes Piano Level 4Â- Everything from FREE and INTRO Plans PLUS
- Profile page on Sykes Music Website
- Student Referrals
- Permission to use Sykes Logo in advertising/social media
- Access to all Sykes Piano Teacher Training Videos
- Access to all Sykes Piano Teacher Training Manuals
- Access to Sykes Piano Student Portal: Tutorial Videos/Audio
260A$Every yearExclusively for teachers who have been PRO members for 10 or more years (see plan policy)Â- Everything from FREE, INTRO, and PRO plans
Already a member?
Free Sykes Piano Teacher Membership
This is great for teachers that would like to learn more about Sykes Piano and stay up to date with new developments.
Teachers will get new teaching ideas, learn how to teach pieces of music or other areas of music.
Intro Sykes Piano Teacher Membership
This is for teachers that have completed their first Sykes Piano Teacher Training Level and are not ready yet to receive new students.
You receive all of the benefits of Free Membership plus:
Access to an invaluable hour of mentor ship and advice from Julia Sykes (worth $99). She is an incredibly successful teacher. Use this hour to talk about difficulties you are having and can be used in one session or several sessions.
You receive a 15% discount on Sykes Materials.
Access to the Sykes Piano Teacher Professional Development Vlog - videos on many aspects of teaching piano. Teachers have the opportunity to have their piano lessons reviewed. This is interactive, so teachers have the opportunity to comment and ask questions.
Access to Sykes Music Administration forms and procedures to help make the administration of your studio sail smoothly.
Pro Sykes Piano Teacher Membership
This is for teachers that would like to get grow their studio and receive the top level of support from Sykes Music.
You receive all of the benefits of Free and Intro Membership plus:
Here you have your own profile page on the Sykes Music website. This helps students find you and provides them with information such as your background, training, photos and contact details. Plus you can include links to performances by you and/or your students.
You will be referred students that are looking for a Sykes Piano Teacher in your area or online lessons. There is no fee for referral fees.
You can use the Sykes Music Logo in your advertising and social media.
Access to all Sykes Piano Teacher Training Manuals and Videos.
You receive free access the Sykes Piano Student Portal worth $60/yr. This has tutorial videos for students on the pieces and exercises in the Sykes Piano books and also audio of the pieces that they are learning.